Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Awesome Sheetali Pranayam

Have you ever felt cool from inside ? Well, literally…. If not, then try Sheetali  pranayam. Don’t worry am not going to write and tell how it is done. There are good teachers to teach you that. I will simply share some of my experinces and observances about the “cool” pranayam. Everybody will have there own experiences and versions. After all, yoga is the science of experience. People might not share the same ones as I got. 

Whenever I fold my tongue for Sheetali pranayam, there is some amount of saliva that goes into the system along with the air that is supposed to be inhaled through the pipe of the tongue. I don’t know whether this happens with everybody. But the awesomeness of the pranayam I experienced was when there was least possible saliva and the air went directly into the system. Literally, giving a sheetal effect inside- probably in the eusophagus and the stomach(need more practice to confirm on the organs). That makes less sound also of the pranayam.

Another thing I observed was if I give a small (few seconds)pause between inhalation and slow exhalation I feel really peaceful. The coolness of the air also is felt better that way. 

This one is really my favourite pranayam. Because of the ease of doing it and its effect. I used this pranayam a lot in my late pregnancy when I got acidity and could not sleep due to heartburn. Few rounds of this pranayam and off went the gases. Stop laughing… But start wondering about the person who actually devised such wonderful pranayam so that we can reap the benefits of it years later. God bless such wonderful souls wherever they are right now!!!

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