Sunday, July 26, 2020

New World

The lockdown has been an Experience! That’s a better word to describe it. Neither good nor bad… Just a revolutionary experience, one of a kind!

The Corona virus has made it bold and loud- everything works by HIS will.

Its written in the Bhagvad Gita, that He exists pervading everything. Just imagine the magnitude of virus doing rounds and killing people and creating havoc in the world. This entire creation is His baby. If He decides that virus will stay for some more time, so may it. If He wills to kill it the very moment, so be it. As humans, we can only try to beat the virus, but its His rule.

He has created such a situation that every religion will have to accept in the end that they are all equal!

The burkha of a Muslim has never been accepted so well before when almost the whole world is under it. It’s the practice of namaskar or group prayers of Hindus that was limited to a few bhaktas has now become a trend for the entire humanity together against the virus. The vegetarianism of Jains is applauded and practiced today by whosoever can. The love taught by Christ is more important when people stay with their families cuddled up in their homes when half of the world is in lockdown. It’s the service of Sikhs that has helped lakhs of people on the entire blue planet. These are the times when yoga practices that are beyond religion and region are ruling the routines of most humans. 

He has brought us in a situation where we have to drop our petty or say man-made differences of caste, language, religion, may be even country. We have to hold one another tight till the virus is defeated. Till it becomes our habit to hold each other. 

Let us not loose hope! Because its not an end. It’s a break given by our dear Lord for something better. Beware! WORLD IS UNDER RENOVATION!

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