Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Are you obsessed with a routine?

There are many people who keep on cribbing that the routine is not yet set. Are you one of them? If yes, then this article is for you.

Since past few days, I was desperately trying to fix up a routine for myself. Get up at 5:30 am, exercise, make tiffin and breakfast, attend to my daughter when she gets up, see off my husband with a smile, clean up the kitchen and house, bathe daughter, bathe myself, perform pooja rituals, feed the baby, make her sleep, write, read, give her milk, have tea, cook dinner, go for evening walk with daughter, feed her, clean the kitchen and house, sleep off. Hush..... Did it happen that way? Wait, lets check out.

I got up at 5:30 am and sat for doing yoga, my daughter cried from the bed, "mumma". I gave her milk and she slept again after a laborious 15 mins drama. I sat for yoga and my husband got up. I made tea. We both had tea. He left for a walk and I sat again for yoga. This time to complete all the asanas. Then came to cooking breakfast and lunch. I just took a piece of dough to make chapatis and my daughter got up again. By this time fully awake, she was very demanding. Not wanting to leave me, I gave tadka to the vegetable holding her in my arms. Chapatis could not be made like that. Attending to her needs it was time for my husband to leave without the chapatis made. Thankfully he took care of her and then I finished the leftover work. Its just the morning routine which I narrated that did not go according to the plans. You can imagine about the whole day!

People say, with a child its difficult to follow a routine. True, very true. But I feel even without a child, it is slightly more difficult to follow a strict 9 to 5 routine in these urban modern times. There are numerous factors that govern our routine. Its the last minute meeting that the boss fixes up, urgent call from your parents staying far away, water cuts, traffic jams, availability of transport and what not things we revolve around. Many factors that determine our routine are not in our hands. And most important of them is the nature of our professions and jobs that has changed immensely. We are unknowingly or knowingly being swayed by our professional lives.

Therefore, setting of routine is not for us, the working people. We can simply be determined to be on time for completing certain tasks.  Or the best way to get out of this whole routine trap is simply by leaving the obsession with the so called "routine". After all, life is simply Chance pe dance!

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