Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Happy International Yoga Day

A lot is said and done about yoga these days. Thanks to Shri Narendra Modi. He has sown the seed by declaring 21st June as the International Yoga Day. Tomorrow the whole humanity will be one bowing to this masterpiece by our ancestors.

One should practice yoga for mental peace, body flexibility, concentration etc etc. This you can read on most of the websites. Today I will share some of very subtle benefits I experienced while practicing yoga.
  • When done full cycle- loosening exercises, asana, pranayama, last omkar- it entirely changes my level of energy for the entire day. These asanas simply and easily alter something deep inside that's difficult to explain. 
  •  Because of the increased energy level, dullness of mind, is at bay. Note here. Its not the body that feels dull, but the mind that tells the body its dull. Regular yoga practice alters this constant chattering of mind till a certain extent. And thus body can work in its own natural ways without hinderance.
  • There's a magical connection between our body and mind. Yoga will completely take care of the body and partially the mind.
  • Chattering of mind doesn't stop. Mind's job is to chatter. So yoga practice for an hour or so will work only 50%. The rest 50% is all in our routine and our intake. By intake I mean- food, emotions, thoughts, opinions and all the other bullshit going around. If we manage to eat less of whatever we are constantly eating, we can till a certain extent, reduce the speed of a constant talking mind.
  • Pranayama and meditation help to lessen our speed of thoughts. But its the constant involvement of mind in something worthwhile that makes the whole of a difference. This stage, according to me is different for different people. It changes with the nature of mind. Therefore, everybody practicing yoga does not become a yogi of the highest level. Only if a person can know oneself completely and is stable with that fact and acts accordingly, then only he reaches that last stage of complete stability.
 Therefore, in Bhagvad Geeta its written, the effects of Karma Yoga or Sankhya Yoga is same. A person constantly engaged in his work, full of devotion, might reach at miraculous levels of consciousness while a person doing asana and not doing his work might not be able to do. 

So, this Yoga Day let's pray and pledge to do all we are meant to do in this world to make a huge difference on this blue planet.  

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