Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Lessons from a Rubik's Cube

Did you ever think what is the importance of Rubik's cube? A game, as it is called, has survived years and generations of time.
As I play with my daughter's one of the most favourite possessions, I see it quite meaningful and deeply connected to life. Let's see how:
  • You start with one colour. 
Looking at the cube won't solve it. You have to start somewhere. So you start concentrating on setting only one colour. And believe me its pretty easy.
Lesson: When you focus all your energy only on one thing or task, it HAS to work out.
  • You cannot move the square in the centre.
You can move the sides, shift the edges, and also the squares that share the same wall as the centre one. But you cannot move the centre colour. When you change the sides, you get an illusion of changing the centre. But the centre colours remain same and equidistant.
Lesson: You cannot change your core or the soul. You can manipulate the things around it- your thought process, behaviour etc. But the core or the soul remains unchanged.
You can also interpret it some other way. Your position in HIS puzzle remains unchanged.
  • How you arrange the only colour you focused on.
You can either put all the squares of that particular colour haphazardly without thinking of the adjacent colours; or you can thoughtfully and simultaneously arrange other colours of the cube sharing similar colour walls. To arrange one line of other colours in accordance to their centre colour gives a satisfaction of a near perfection stage.
Lesson: When you meticulously work conscious of your core, considering other factors and people around you; you indirectly help them to align them to their cores. You unknowingly complete a part of HIS jigsaw puzzle.
  • Temporary dis-alignment of the already arranged colour
When you start working on other colours one by one, there is a temporary dis-alignment of the already arranged colour. You have to bring that in alignment after every move. That's tricky.
Lesson: After successfully completing one task when you start with the new one in life, the old work might get slightly disturbed temporarily. You have to again and again get it back to the completed form or what you can call is adjusted and completed form.
  • The next step is a puzzle for me too
I can only complete one colour as of now. But I realised that only focus(which was most essential) for completing one colour is not enough. It needs a strategy or what I mostly call as trick; some kind of complete lateral thinking or an out of the box move. Because now the task is to align all other colours without disturbing the colour already arranged. 
Lesson: When you want to attain a near perfection stage in all spheres of life, you completely need a lateral change in the attitude towards things and people in your life. 

I am still hunting for that lateral shift in my thinking; still searching for the perfect attitude. Am sure will soon complete the Rubik's cube of my life! 

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